Welcome to the new, interactive and innovative trade and consulting platform www.Balticgoods.com for the products and services from the Baltic Sea region. And for your start into new west europe markets.
In 2013, about 107 billion euros have been implemented in the interactive trade in England.
In Germany -50 billion, Scandinavia -33 billion, -12 billion Russia, France -51 billion, Spain -14 billion, Eastern Europe -18 billion.
The forecasts for 2014 and 2015 are still rising.
To remain successful and competitive in the future, it is impossible to ignore the topic of e-commerce. For most sectors this is almost normal, even the smallest business in the pedestrian zone is open 24 hours through an online store.
Those who are concerned with the purchase of the products and services from the Baltic Sea region will be quicklydisappointed trying to research online. There is only a small range of products in malfunctioned online shops.
Why is this so?
Mostly because of the following reasons, it is complicated, time intensive and expensive. We offer an affordable solution that is fair to all interested parties.
We are looking forward to receiving your inquiry by mail.
Your West Europe Market Entry with Balticgoods
More companies like to start up operations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland (D-A-CH)! or in other west europe countries.
The region of Germany, Austria and Switzerland and Germans living in other countries covers close to 130 Million Inhabitants and is one of the healthiest markets globally,but for sure the biggest market in Europe.
People are linked together by culture and language – German (D-A-CH) and English Language (other countries) is spoken by the majority of people.
Balticgoods can support your activities to enter the German, Austria, Switzerland and other West Europe Markets by offering
Presales and Sales Support
Consulting and Interim management
Operational Support
Onlinemarketing / Ecommerce and Programming incl.Fullfillmentsolutions
Telekommunikation (local phonenumber linked via VOIP to any point in the world)
Your business and future growth will benefit from working with Balticgoods:
Speed to Market – Balticgoods can provide access to the west europe markets – now
Local Player – we will represent your company in the local language and culture
Network – you will receive access to the existing networks
Infrastructure – Balticgoods can host your business with your Branding and your Company and Product presentation in existing offices
Flexibility – you choose the scope of the engagement
Pricestructure – you will receive a flexible priceoffer for expanding your business
For more information please contact us.